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Writer's pictureNick O'Halloran

Voice AI in call centres - what you need to know

Ask Harry, AI driven  technology is moving contact centre operations into the future

How AI-driven technology is moving call centre operations into the future.

Call centres have long been the central hub for customer service. Whether it’s qualifying leads, generating sales, routing calls, handling complaints or supporting the general customer journey, there’s no doubt call centres are a pivotal part of big business. 

The trouble is, customer service hubs can quickly become overwhelmed, leading to mishandled or missed calls, miscommunication and a general decline in the quality of customer care.

So much so, that many customers now associate call centres with long hold times, feelings of frustration, poor communication, and a general lack of resolve when it comes to their concerns.

Now, the introduction of voice AI in call centres is changing all of that.

In this article we’re sharing how.

Ask Harry, Voice AI in call centres

24/7 service

Voice AI technology enables call centres to operate around the clock. 24/7 accessibility provides customers with immediate support no matter what time of day or night they need assistance. This accessibility works to improve customer satisfaction while reducing the backlog of calls during normal office hours. 

No more missed calls

Missed calls cost businesses millions of dollars every year. With voice AI, every single call gets answered, addressed and resolved. 

Call quality control

Advanced Voice AI systems such as Ask Harry have the power to automate quality assurance and effectively evaluate every single call for compliance. 

This enables a consistent level of service and a deeper understanding of any quality issues that need to be addressed.

Less mistakes, improved efficiency

Human error is a natural thing, but it bears a significant cost to call centre operations each and every year. Utilising voice driven AI technology reduces this cost. By automating repetitive and routine tasks, simple data entry errors and call handling mistakes are a thing of the past. 

A deeper understanding of the customer experience

The beauty of artificial intelligence is its ability to rapidly scan and analyse data such as hold times, call times, caller sentiment, buying characteristics and customer intent. 

Historically, reports analysing such things would require the time and effort of an expert. 

AI, does this in minutes. 

Predictive analytics

AI-driven predictive analytics allow call centres to foresee customer needs and preferences. Based on past calls and interactions AI effectively leverages data to enable call centres to proactively address concerns before they escalate.

Expense reduction

By reducing the need for human interaction at every single level of service, call centres can enjoy significant savings.

Contact Harald Chief Financial Officer, Nick O’Halloran says implementing an AI system such as Ask Harry offers significant savings for businesses who want to improve their bottom line.

“With intelligent technological support, repetitive tasks are no longer added to the list of to-dos for call centre operators. This allows businesses to streamline their operational expenses without sacrificing a high level of service to their customers,” he said.

Ask Harry, Voice AI call centres can enjoy significant savings.

Automatic and continuous improvement across call centre operations

Since AI systems such as Ask Harry learn as they go, an AI powered system will continuously evolve and improve to meet the needs of customers and to improve the efficiency and processes of call centre teams.

“AI can identify issues within minutes which would otherwise take analyst teams many hours of work. It goes without saying that having a tool on your side that consistently operates with a focus on improvement is an invaluable asset to any business,” Nick said.

How you can implement AI-driven voice technology into your operations

When it comes to implementing AI driven voice technology into your business, not all systems are created equal. Advanced solutions like Ask Harry are designed to support your unique industry needs. Chat to the team to learn more about upleveling your call centre operations. 


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